
#tech4covid19 Impact Report | Week 2 | 28.03.2020

Felipe Ávila da Costa
3 min readMar 28, 2020


Exactly two weeks ago, most of the top startups in Portugal united to fight the Coronavirus outbreak together.

This movement, now called #tech4covid19 (more details about it here: www.tech4covid19.org), has already more than 4300 volunteers working on 40+ projects to beat the virus and the associated economic crisis.

There are already a relevant number of projects launched to the public generating real value to society, so here is a simplistic impact report:

1) Rooms Against Covid (www.roomsagainstcovid.com)

A booking engine to allow health professionals to book free hotel/airbnb rooms, so they can keep their families safe when they need to rest. There are already 1500+ rooms available in the platform, 559 room requests from professionals and 170 matches done.

2) Covidografia (www.covidografia.pt)

A crowd sourced app to track the epidemic evolution, allowing the public entities to see how the virus is spreading (plenty of other features in the roadmap). It was only soft-launched yesterday, but it has more than 15.000 users registered already. Register and share it now.

3) Crowdfunding to buy hospital supplies (www.stopcovid19.pt)

A crowdfunding campaign to buy supplies in shortage on healthcare centers. Within 10 days since launch, 3264 people donated more than 130.000€ (thank you!). With the first 100.000€ (our initial goal) we bought 58.168 masks and 2.168 glasses. Now, we need 85.000€ more for logistics and a new order of 50.000 masks.

4) Solidarity Auction to buy hospital supplies (www.esolidar.com/npo/detail/1484-stopcovid-19-tech4covid19/)

The artist Carolina Piteira, the Portuguese Football League and the Rock in Rio festival got together to auction amazing 13 items. 100% of the income will be donated to the #tech4covid19 movement to buy hospital supplies. The sum of the current bids is 8958€.

5) Hospital Supplies

There are many projects running in parallel on this front: a) one team managing purchase of new material, b) many teams producing new material, c) one team collecting donations and d) another team managing logistics to deliver everything fast. The current accumulated outcome delivered to the health system is: 24.000 gloves and 15 liters of alcohol. Many more supplies are being produced, donated or purchased as we speak. More news soon.

6) Online Medical Appointments

The startups Better Now, KNOK Healthcare and Zaask gathered 210+ health professionals to provide free online consultation on their platforms. So far more than 90 video-calls were done.

7) Tools4Edu, Animalar, Hackathon by Taikai, Covid19 tools at TonicApp, Interajuda, Wemoveit, Covidizer and many other projects are also already available online, and many more will come.

Props also to the task forces working to support / enable all the projects in areas such as Talent sourcing/management, Marketing, Funding, Partners and sponsorships, Legal, Project Management, DevOps and Government Relations.

I couldn’t not be prouder of all the work the volunteers are doing, but it’s not (yet) time to say our job is done. There are so much more to do it. There are many more lives to impact.

Let’s keep finding solutions faster than the virus spreads.

Let’s keep fighting together to beat this virus.




Felipe Ávila da Costa

Co-founder/CEO of Infraspeak. Co-founder of Founders Founders. Be source of good life.